Hi! I'm Kat, a childhood bilingualism specialist who works with multilingual parents around the world.

I’m here to show you how to raise a child who confidently communicates in two (or more!) languages.

Books on Bilingualism & Language Development

My Story

In graduate school I began to niche down my research interests and focus on bilingualism and (second) language acquisition.

I dove into the research and got involved in a variety of research projects on different groups of bilinguals, including late second and third language learners, early childhood bilinguals and trilinguals, and heritage speakers.

I met with, tested, and learned all about families where bilingualism flourished seemingly effortlessly.

Yet, it was the families who struggled, those whose children couldn't speak the language, who really peaked my interest.

I knew the research. I knew that if I looked at the data from older children and adults who spoke their language and those who didn't, we could see the reasons why - It isn't random why some people succeed and others don't.

For some families it isn't enough to just speak their language.

And it's these families, those passionate about bilingualism but who aren't in an optimal situation, who I'm most drawn to support.

Bilingual parenting specialist giving a talk to parents

My Approach

As a linguist I see language as a science. I see data in bilingual language development. But language is so much more than an academic subject. It's what makes us human.

My goal is to use a research-driven, fact-based approach to help families make choices regarding their children's bilingualism.

I work with families around the globe with babies in the womb and late-primary school years and all the ages in between.

A little bit about me

  • Before specializing in language acquisition and sub-specializing in early childhood bilingual language development & heritage languages, I planned to be a speech pathologist.
  • I've worked with over 100 families to make custom language plans and have helped families navigate complex language & home situations, introduce new languages, reactivate passive languages, finally be able to talk with monolingual grandparents...and more.
  • I've consulted families across the globe and worked with more than 50+ unique language combinations. Some of my favourite combos to date include Maori-French-English, English-Mohawk, Tigrinya-Swedish and Haitian Creole-Spanish-English.
  • I currently live and work in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


My inbox is always open. You can email me at katrina@bringingupbilinguals.com

Curious about what working together looks like?

You can explore my 1:1 coaching services, my signature coaching programs, or book a 30 minute free strategy session.

Childhood bilingual specialist consulting parents


  • Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Spanish Language & Linguistics, Western University
  • Masters of Arts in Hispanic Linguistics, Western University
  • Doctorate of Philosophy in Translation and Language Sciences (thesis unfinished), Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Read more about my academic experience here.